The benefits are nutrition and care, communication, language development, sensory stimulation and strong immune systems.
School Age
We provide a safe fun and supportive environment. We support positive social, emotional, and academic development; promote physical health; and provide nutrition meals.
Summer programs
Our summer program benefits are socializing and friendship building, eliminating screen time, and getting exercise, personal growth, learning and development through quality interactions!
Social /Self-Help Goals
Its a growing and learning process.
We feel social and self-help skills are as important as academics. Each program has different expectations for children. We DO NOT expect your child to come in our program knowing how to meet these expectations. The goals we have for the children in our care are all in place for a reason. They may be for health and safety reasons or developing self-help skills they will need for kindergarten and beyond, or social skills they need to navigate through life.

What is SafeHaven's hours of Operation
Generally, Safehaven Childcare opens Monday through Friday from 6:00 am to 6:30 pm. However, individual school hours may be adjusted to meet the needs of local community.
Do I need to bring food for my child?
This program is affiliated with the USDA Child Care Food Program and serves well balanced meals and snacks. All food preparation is handled in accordance with accepted safety practices. Meals are served family style. Children learn to set the table, serve themselves appropriate proportions, and use good table manners. We used mealtimes as a perfect opportunity to practice manners, such as please and thank you, not interrupting others when they are talking, chewing with mouths closed, not talking with food in their mouth and sitting at the table without getting up and down during the meal. We encourage each child to take a “no thank you bite” of each item served, although not required. Children learn about responsibility as they clean up their dishes and spills.
Each day children are served breakfast, AM snack, lunch and PM snack at no additional charge. Although the children may have special snacks, they are served in addition to the required foods. Due to recent USDA recommendations, we very rarely will serve fruit juices of any kind. Most, but not all fruits served are is fresh.
Breakfast: Breakfast is served to all children arriving before 8AM. It consists of the following food group:
Fruit, vegetable, or juice
Enriched bread or equivalent – typically cereal, bagel, English muffins, French toast, pancakes, banana or other homemade breads/muffins.
Snacks: Snacks are served typically at 9:30 AM and 3 PM for preschoolers and 3:45 for School age children. Snacks are simple and nourishing and include food such as fruit, milk, crackers, homemade cookies, breads or muffins, etc.
Lunch: is served at approximately 11:30 and has components of all food groups:
Two Fruits and/or vegetables
Enriched bread or equivalent – pasta, rice, bread, etc.
Meat, poultry, fish, cheese or egg.
Please do not send other foods with your child unless he/she is bringing enough for the class to share.
Special Dietary Needs: A doctor’s note is required for any special diet to be administered. If your child has any other dietary issues/sensitivities, please let me know and we will attempt to make reasonable accommodations.
Can my child bring any Toys and Personal Items?
PRESCHOOLERS: No Toys Please!!!! Please do not allow your child to bring any toys to Hart’s SafeHaven. Toys brought to school caused added tension as toys could be easily lost or broken and special toys are difficult to share. All young children practice taking turns and sharing; however, it is much harder for your child to share his or her favorite toy. Therefore, I request that no toys be brought, unless you have been notified that it is a special day such as “share day.”
School-Age Children ONLY: School age children may bring personal items such as electronic devices, books, or games. I will be limiting the time that they may use these items as the children have many other options to occupy their time. If your child does bring items to school, the child will be responsible for keeping track of these items. Hart’s SafeHaven Childcare will not be responsible if they get lost or broken.
What are the Tuition and Fees?
Tuition: Tuition is based on enrollment (a reserved slot), not attendance and payment will be expected
whether or not the child is in attendance.
Registration Fee: A one-time $35.00 registration fee per family is required upon enrollment of child. This fee covers preparations for your child’s arrival, such as setting up a cubby, reviewing and entering records into computer files, and filing forms, as well as holding their spot until the time care is scheduled to begin. There are no annual fees.
Payment is expected on the first day your child is in care each week. You may deposit your check in the basket hanging by the door in the entry area or using CASHAPP @ $chaseharts. If you are paying by cash, please place it in an envelope with your child’s name on it. Current rates are listed in the contract which you will receive a copy of for your records after it has been signed by parents and child care provider.
What are the parent communication options?
We are using Facebook, email, zoom and texting developing effective communication with parents and with extended family has become easier than ever. This, of course, is not intended to replace verbal communication but to enhance it and make it easier when you need to send me a quick note. Please do not hesitate to contact us at your primary contact line.
Does my child need to have immunizations?
The State of California requires that children be vaccinated age-appropriately. Unfortunately, your child may not attend daycare without a written documentation from your child’s physician or nurse practitioner that at least one (1) dose of DPT, or DT, one (1) dose of TOPC or IPV, and the MMR vaccines, and HbCV vaccines, if required by the age of the child.
For further information regarding California Department of Education Immunization requirements please go online to:
What if my child needs to be potty trained?
We believe that potty learning is different for each child and each child will exhibit signs of readiness at different ages. Because of this, we do not require your child to be trained before starting preschool. We have experience and training in potty learning. We will be glad to assist in potty training with the understanding that it will only work if we work together. When your child is showing signs of readiness, you must work with your child at home and we’ll work with them here. Children should have some consistent success at home before we start with them at school/childcare. This typically means several days with only one accident and interest in staying dry.
what are your Holiday & Vacation Time?
Hart’s SafeHaven Childcare is available for no school days for teacher workshops, snow/rain days, and most vacations to help provide care for your child when you need it. As I work without personal days, sick days or paid vacation days, I do close most holidays. I have found over the years that at least one parent has each holiday off. If a holiday falls on a day your child is scheduled to attend, you are required to pay your regular rate for that week.
We are closed for two paid in-service days each year which we use for cleaning or training days. Typically, one day is the Friday before Labor Day which is used to set up our classroom for the school year. These days are paid just as a holiday would be if they fall on your child’s regular scheduled day. You will be notified at least one month in advance of in-service days.
Preschool Closures: If preschool is canceled more than once a month for snow/rain or teacher workshop days, on the 2nd and subsequent days a makeup day will be offered in the form of an additional day or extended day of childcare. Ability for an additional day, will depend upon current enrollment as we must maintain licensing ratios.
My Vacation: I typically take two weeks of vacations each year, you will be notified a minimum of one month in advance when childcare/preschool will be closed due to my vacation, however typically you will be provided with 6 months of advance notice. I may or may not be closed during my vacation time based on availability of additional staff. Except in case of emergency, childcare will not be closed without considerable advance notice.
Your Vacation: Your child has a reserved space regardless of whether he or she is in attendance. You will be allowed to take one week of vacation at no charge each calendar year, provided I am given at least two weeks advance notice. You are responsible for your child’s regular tuition fee for all additional time your child is absent from care.